Saturday, June 2, 2012

I found Narnia...

Sometimes, you discover an artist whose art totally speaks to you.  My friend who truly understands me, sent me a link about Kirsty Mitchell.  Ms. Mitchell was a fashion designer, and has in recent years become a full time "independent" artist.  She is a photographer who has woven a fantasy world and tale with her images.  They are not photoshopped.  They are planned, she creates the sets and costumes, and when you read about HOW she creates her images, it is amazing.  She is creating magic.

I could go on and on about how much I admire and love her work, but she says it so much better herself.  This project is dedicated to the memory of her mother who died of cancer.  Her mother was a teacher who loved books.  Hmmmm...

Anyway, her website with images and blog...

 The original story where I learned about her....
Her Story.

And a few images, the first reminds me of my daughter Rose.  I named her Rose for a few reasons.  My grandmother's name, Rose Cotton from Lord of the Rings, and also because the Princess Aurora from Disney's Sleeping Beauty was named Briar Rose by the fairies when they were hiding her in the forest.  This looks like a Briar Rose.
Yes, this is Wonderland, and yet, I can't stop thinking that these are Narnian. And there are snow images with a snow queen.

 And I can't stop thinking about the following quote, for some reason, pondering about magic and supernatural beings and talking trees and beasts.

 "It means," said Aslan, "that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know"

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