Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fake and some random ramblings

I have been thinking about how fake stuff is never as good as the real stuff.  And our lives are filled to the brim with FAKE STUFF!
Take sugar for example.  I just put some Stevia in my tea and it tastes horrible!   WHY you ask?  WHY ruin an otherwise perfect cup of tea????!!!!  I don't know.  I really don't know why I put it in my cup.. Splenda is awful too.  The worst is the pink saccharine packets.  Real sugar (I like sugar in the raw) is delicious.  Honey is too!  My favorite sandwich is peanut butter and honey.  I am sorry, but splenda syrup and peanut butter just cannot be as good as pb and honey.  And really honey is bee vomit.  Lovely, wonderful, tasty bee vomit.  Anyway, I digress and ramble. 

Fake stuff.... man made things which mimic nature.

Fake Air.  I am breathing fake air right now.  But its so hot, I'll deal. 

Fake Tears.  My daughter is crying fake tears right now.  Actually they are not fake, she was up way too late last night and is tired.  But she is capable of false tears.  Crocodile tears.  Don't think me cold hearted, I know her.  And she is just like me.  So I am onto her. 

Fake meat.  Come on , we all know McDonald's does not have a very high percentage of meat in their burgers.

Fake bodies. We all know about this soap box. 

Fake clothing.  

Fake Light.  The worse is flourescents.  When I was teaching, I would not put them on.  Most of the kids liked the dimly lit room.  I would have lit tons of candles and worked entirely by candlelight if it wasn't a firehazard.  

Fake wood furniture.  Ikea is wonderful for this type of thing.  Good thing they are so inexpensive.
Fake hormones, fake eye color, fake endorphines, fake smiles, fake intentions, fake friends.
I am getting cynical.

But seriously, I wanted to write a cute poem about Fake-lise.  (why not personify it) 

There once was a girl name Fake-lise,
Who only would eat genetically modified peas,
She swore they were better
Than that really sharp cheddar
And to be sure the peas really did taste like cheese.

Oh GOSH, that is terrible.  I need my brain back.  Maybe I can get a fake one for a while...
That reminds me of an illustration/part of one of the Oz books. (which I love all 13 of them, havent read them in a while though).  The queen of Oz, not the real one she was the Fake one, because Ozma was lost, has a collection of pretty girl heads which she has in her closet.  She decides each day what she wants to look like, and just puts whatever head on that she is in the mood for.   A little weird and creepy, but hey it was written in the 1920's and in someways was a little prophetic. 

So, do I want to be fake sometimes?  I would like to say no....
 but I would like to put some hair extensions in my hair to make it really really long!  Too funny, I laugh at myself..

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