Friday, November 25, 2011

Part Deux - The story

The Snow Queen was beautiful and dangerous and terrifying all at the same time.  Her icy grip was intriguing.  Despite the  knowledge of certain doom, very few people had the power to resist her irrepressible allure.  Of course the girl, whose name was Rain, was one of those people.  She could resist the ice grip, because she had danced in the sunshine before.  She walked in the warm moonlit forest and had tasted the love of life.  She had no care for something cold to touch her.
It made her heart ache when she started seeing despair and hopelessness all around her.  When she started noticing all the people with icy hearts and frozen eyes and the pain it caused, she wanted to help.  Most of the problems were caused by all of those icy shards which were getting stuck in people's hearts and eyes.  By this time, the shards had been getting stuck in people's brains too.  This was causing all  kinds of disturbances and mayhem.  Imagine how the ice shards could mess up people's thought patterns.
Rain wanted to help these people.  She listened to them pour their heart out.  She loved them and she wanted to help.  Mostly she realized that just being there and listening would help melt the shards.  And tears.  Tears melted  the shards too, especially the really big ones.  But it was difficult for her, even if she didn't admit it.  Everytime she would listen and open up her heart, take on the pain and misery, it wore her down a little.   But she didn't mind.  It was what she wanted to do.  Seeing so many in misery, she wanted to help them in any way she could. She wanted to show them how much better the sunshine and warmth was.  The wearing down was so gradual, that she didn't notice it.  Of course, there was always a danger of ice getting stuck in her too.  A few times she actually saw pieces of ice flying around, trying to icify her heart, and eyes, and mind, but they were no match for her.  She could evade them or catch them and melt them with her fingers.  She felt it was her special gift.  Her special power.  She became a little conceited about it, in fact.  She thought nothing could affect her and change her.  She even started calling herself a special name.
While this was all happening, the Snow Queen noticed Rain.  Normally, she enjoyed getting hold of more flashy people.  Rain was not that type of girl.  She was a little odd, a little quiet, didn't mind being alone, and really didn't like attention in a crowd.  But now, the Snow Queen not only noticed her, but grew angry with her.  It was because Rain was getting people to de-icify.  See, the Snow Queen did not create the ice mirror, but she delighted in the affects it caused.  And once the ice shards touched a person, her job was SO much easier.  She could descend on a person, breathe her icy breath on them, and they would be her prisoner.  Once she had them captured, she would whisk them away, and bring them to her Ice Castle.  There, they would serve her until slowly they would become so frozen, they would become ice statues in her courtyard.  You would think she would run out of room with all these ice people statues filling up her castle, but since ice is an unlimited resource, she kept building on, so the castle was a neverending labyrinth of rooms which held these statues.  It made the Snow Queen quite happy.  And now, the Snow Queen wanted another statue. She wanted a Rain statue.

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